To a Daughter Leaving Home
To a Daughter Leaving Home
OK, here is a thing I really want to share with you guys. It’s something kind of funny but you must have the tone that closes to mine, or I cannot say for sure that it would be funny to you.
And I type this in English for two reasons. On one hand, I would seldom have the chances to type or write something in English in the following one year or two. On the other hand, I’ve found out long time ago that if I type in English, then there would be less people who are willing to read the article. So, I type in English this time.
Well, I think there have been eleven articles in Chinese already,
so let me write in English again, for I am the one who keeps his promise.
Well, I feel a bit lonely now, but perhaps not the kind of lonely you may guess.
It is just that I always think that if there is some responses to my articles,
Not long before, I made a promise that I would typed an article in English every ten chinese ones. To be a modern knight, I am now putting the promise into practice.
Well, most of us went to English cramschool when we were in elementary scool, right?
The other day a friend of mine asked me“John, why didn’t you post any articles at your blog yesterday? Are you busy doing something?”
“Well, I wasn’t busy at all. I was just not in the right mood to type anything” I answered.